
How to set up the WhatsApp Cloud API with BotSailor

BotSailor is a complete WhatsApp marketing automation; it has chatbot, live chat, broadcasting, Shopify & WooCommerce integration for order message automation, a webhook workflow, a WhatsApp catalog and many more. To use all these features from BotSailor, you must have your WhatsApp cloud API account set up first. It’s easy to setup and integrate WhatsApp cloud API to BotSailor. In this article, we are going to provide a detailed step-by-step procedure to create a WhatsApp cloud API.   Before beginning the process of creating the WhatsApp Cloud API, ensure that you have a phon...


Use Telegram Chat widget and short links to gain subscribers

Telegram has become more popular in the past few years due to its security and simplicity. It supports all the major ope...