Whatsapp Chatbot Marketing | BotSailor image

Experience Automated Workflows Tailored for E-commerce Success

Welcome to BotSailor’s WhatsApp integration. Automate your WhatsApp Business with our comprehensive suite of features. From round-the-clock Whasapp chatbot support to Live Chat feature fostering real-time communication It gives you everything to drive conversion and sales. At BotSailor, we're all about helping you achieve business success on WhatsApp. Whether automating customer support, lead generation, or driving sales, we've got the tools you need.

Connecting your WhatsApp to BotSailor is as easy as that!

First, ensure you have set up your WhatsApp Cloud API. If you haven't done this yet, refer to our detailed written instructions available here. Once your WhatsApp Cloud API is set up, proceed to connect with BotSailor & make you desired Whatsapp chatbot.For a more detailed and visual tutorial, watch our video guide that will walk you through the entire process. You can find the video tutorial here .

Advanced Bot Manager

The Bot Manager lets you create the most customised Whatsapp chatbot that aligns with your business needs . With it’s ‘Drag & Drop’ flow builder, the need for coding skill is eliminated. Its intelligent ‘User Input Flow’ & ‘Custom Fields’ lets you collect and manage subscribers datas. Not stopping there, setting up AI reply for Whatsapp Automation in the bot replies, to adding interactive forms through ‘WhatsApp From Flows’ , adding Product Section, setting up Sequence Messages & the convenience of adding and removing to ‘Lebels’ & assigning the conversation to agents made it the most compatible & user friendly Whatsapp chatbot builder.

Dynamic Subscriber Manager: Effortlessly Manage, Segment, and Engage with Your Customers

Take control of your subscriber engagement effortlessly with our intuitive Subscriber Manager. Navigate through your subscriber base using our user-friendly filters, making it easy to find and connect with your most valuable leads. Download your subscriber data in CSV format for targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience. Whether importing new subscribers, assigning labels, or manually adding subscribers, our platform simplifies the process for enhanced efficiency. With essential details such as phone numbers, subscriber IDs, and names readily available, crafting personalised messages for higher conversions has never been more straightforward & easy.

WhatsApp Broadcasting: Boost Sales with Targeted Messaging

Engagement is key to driving conversions and sales. BotSailor's WhatsApp Broadcasting feature is your ultimate tool for fostering meaningful connections with your audience, leading to increased engagement and, ultimately, more sales. With detailed insights provided by WhatsApp Broadcasting, you gain a deeper understanding of your audience's interaction with your messages,optimising your WhatsApp marketing efforts. Track essential metrics like message delivery, opens, and failures in real time, enabling you to identify any issues promptly and optimise your campaigns for maximum reach and impact

Additionally, our platform offers insights into delivery times and dates, ensuring that your messages are sent at optimal times for heightened engagement in your WhatsApp marketing strategy. By checking message status, you can not only confirm delivery but also determine whether your messages have been read, providing invaluable feedback for refining your messaging strategy and enhancing your WhatsApp marketing performance.

Live Chat: Automated Customer Support & Real-Time Assistance

Providing timely and effective customer support is prime to maintaining customer engagement & satisfaction. BotSailor's Live Chat feature offers real-time communication, empowering businesses to deliver exceptional support experiences to your customers.

With Live Chat, you can engage with your customers in real time, addressing their queries and concerns promptly. The feature displays timestamps and read statuses. Additionally, Live Chat offers a translation option, enabling you to translate any message instantly, breaking down language barriers and fostering meaningful connections.

The sidebar feature in Live Chat provides valuable context by showing assigned agents to conversations, labels, and message sequences. This ensures that your team remains organized and efficient, allowing them to provide personalized assistance to each customer's needs. Overall, BotSailor's Live Chat feature not only facilitates seamless communication but also enhances customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success.

BotSailor's Webhook Workflow: Maximize Your Ecommerce efficiency With Automated Workflows

Webhook Workflow in BotSailor is a powerful tool designed to automate data exchange between different applications and systems. With BotSailor's Webhook Workflow, you can easily integrate various business applications, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

By leveraging BotSailor's WhatsApp Webhook Workflow, businesses can ensure timely and personalised communication with their customers, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales even on platforms like Shopify or Woocommerce. BotSailor's WhatsApp Webhook Workflow empowers you to stay connected with your customers in real time.

WhatsApp Catalog Integration : Increase Sales with Product Showcas

BotSailor's WhatsApp Catalog integration gives the convenience to businesses to showcase their products and services in a visually stunning and organized manner. With this feature, you can captivate customers with detailed product descriptions and captivating high-quality images, fostering an engaging shopping experience.

Moreover, you have the flexibility to add products manually or through data feeds, integrating with platforms like Shopify or Woocommerce. Whether you're showcasing new arrivals or highlighting exclusive offers, you can display real-time pricing, product conditions, availability, and brand names – ensuring a fully optimised storefront that resonates with your audience.

It Offers multiple payment options that lets you choose your preferred payment gateway. You can specify currency types, and integrate payment APIs to simplify the purchasing process. With convenient cart options for taxes and delivery charges, completing transactions, it gives you everything that keeps customers coming back for more.

Don't miss out

This opportunity.Experience the power of WhatsApp Automation Marketing, Conversational Marketing, and AI-powered Chatbot solutions with BotSailor's WhatsApp Catalog Integration today!