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How to set up the WhatsApp Cloud API with BotSailor

BotSailor is a complete WhatsApp marketing automation; it has chatbot, live chat, broadcasting, Shopify & WooCommerce integration for order message automation, a webhook workflow, a WhatsApp catalog and many more. To use all these features from BotSailor, you must have your WhatsApp cloud API account set up first. It’s easy to setup and integrate WhatsApp cloud API to BotSailor. In this article, we are going to provide a detailed step-by-step procedure to create a WhatsApp cloud API.   Before beginning the process of creating the WhatsApp Cloud API, ensure that you have a phon...


How to send OTP Message to WhatsApp with BotSailor API by PHP

BotSailor API is now available for use in integrating BotSailor with third-party websites or apps. You may now send What...


How to gain Subscribers to your Telegram Bot Account

Do you have a small number of followers on your Telegram bot account?  In this case, you have to learn how to attr...


How to do Chatbot Marketing in WhatsApp by BotSailor

Among many other instant messaging platforms, WhatsApp is by far the most popular messaging app on the planet. It has mi...


Why Chat Marketing is getting popular day by day

What is Chat Marketing: Chat marketing is a way to establish and strengthen the relationship between customers and busi...


How to migrate your existing WhatsApp account to WhatsApp Cloud API

If you already have a WhatsApp account for your business and want to use the same phone number on a WhatsApp cloud API, ...


How to Register Phone Number to WhatsApp Cloud API for Verified Business

For Some WhatsApp business accounts with a Verified business, Facebook is asking for two-step verification, and a PIN se...


How to set up the WhatsApp Cloud API with BotSailor

BotSailor is a complete WhatsApp marketing automation; it has chatbot, live chat, broadcasting, Shopify & WooCommerc...


How to use Live Chat of BotSailor for Telegram Bot

The conversation between a Telegram bot and a user is normally hidden from view. We're interested to learn how far the b...


Launch Your SaaS with BotSailor White Label Chatbot Marketing

What is BotSailor? Basically, BotSailor is a comprehensive AI chatbot marketing platform for instant messaging apps lik...


The difference between Telegram Chatbot and WhatsApp Chatbot

Chatbots are becoming more and more popular day by day for business. Now let's see why you should use Chatbot for your b...


Benefits of using the Telegram App in online marketing

Telegram is a messaging app that gives the highest importance to security of users and speed. Recently, the messaging ap...


How to broadcast messages to Telegram Subscribers by using BotSailor

Broadcasting to Telegram subscribers is an amazing feature of BotSialor. Unlike other social media broadcasting, the tel...