Troubleshooting WooCommerce API for BotSailor Integration

5 Aug 2023


Are you having trouble setting up WooCommerce API for your BotSailor, specifically with sending order notifications to WhatsApp? If you're encountering issues, we've got some key suggestions to help you get things running smoothly. Let's go through a step-by-step process to ensure that your WooCommerce API credentials are correctly configured and that the REST API is enabled.


Step 1: Verify App Credentials


First things first, double-check your app credentials. Make sure that you have accurately entered your WooCommerce API credentials in BotSailor. Incorrect or mismatched credentials can lead to connectivity issues.


Step 2: Confirm Store URL


Ensure that the store URL you've provided in BotSailor is correct. Any discrepancies here can hinder proper communication between WooCommerce and BotSailor.


Step 3: Enable REST API


The REST API plays a crucial role in making the WooCommerce and BotSailor integration work seamlessly. Here's how you can verify and enable the REST API:



  1. Visit the following URL in your browser:

  3. If you see a JSON response, then your REST API is enabled and functioning correctly.

  5. If you encounter an error page or are redirected to the home page, your REST API is not enabled, and we need to fix that.


Step 4: Enabling REST API


Let's enable the REST API by following these steps:



  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

  3. Navigate to "Settings" and click on "Permalinks."

  5. On the Permalinks settings page (, ensure that the "Plain" permalink structure is not selected.

  7. Choose the "Post Name" option, as it's considered one of the best permalink structures for SEO and compatibility.

  9. Once you've selected "Post Name," click on "Save Changes." This action will rewrite or repair your .htaccess file, which is crucial for proper REST API functionality.




By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve common issues related to WooCommerce API integration with BotSailor. Remember to carefully verify your credentials, confirm your store URL, and enable the REST API. Following these guidelines should help you get your WooCommerce automation up and running, allowing you to send order notifications to WhatsApp seamlessly.


If you encounter any further difficulties, feel free to reach out for additional support or assistance. Happy automating!

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