In this article, I will show you how to integrate ChatPion with BotSailor.
You can send WhatsApp messages to your Facebook messenger subscribers who will provide phone numbers through ChatPion. I will show you the whole workflow and how to integrate it. Ultimately, the subscribers of the ChatPion will become the subscribers of the BotSailor.
On the WhatsApp Webhook Workflow page, you can easily integrate ChatPion with BotSailor.
Collect Phone numbers by ChatPion with Quik Reply or User Input Flow inside Facebook Messenger:
To Integrate ChatPion with BotSailor, first, you have to collect the phone numbers of the Facebook Messenger subscribers.
Now let's see how to collect phone numbers from Facebook messenger subscribers with ChatPion.
To collect phone numbers, you must create a chatbot on ChatPion that will collect phone numbers from Facebook messenger subscribers.
To create a chatbot that will collect phone numbers from Facebook Messenger Subscribers, first go to the Dashboard of the ChatPion.
Then click on the BotManager menu at the left sidebar. After that click on the Create new flow button. Instantly, the visual flow builder editor will appear.
In this article, I have created a chatbot with a quick reply to collect phone numbers.
Now go to the BotSailor to integrate ChatPion with BotSailor.
Now click on the Webhook Work Flow campaign at the left sidebar of BotSailor. Instantly, WhatsApp Webhook Workflow will appear with a button called to create.
To create a Webhook WorkFlow Campaign, click on the create button. Instantly, a section called new workflow will appear at the bottom of the page.
Now you have to provide a name in the workflow name field. And select a WhatsApp account in the WhatsApp Account field. Click on the field and a drop-down menu of the different fields will appear. And from the drop-down menu, select a WhatsApp account. And from the selected account, the message to the Facebook messengers subscribers will be sent.
In the message template field, you have to select a message template that will be sent to the Facebook messenger subscribers that will provide phone numbers. Click on the message template field and a drop-down menu of different message templates.
Now let's see how to create a message template.
To create a message template, click on the Bot Manager menu at the left sidebar of the dashboard. Instantly, the WhatsApp bot manager page will appear.
Now click on the Message template option, and the message template settings section will appear with a create button. Click on the create button to create a message template. Instantly, a pop-up modal form called a message template will appear. Now you have to fill out the form.
Provide a template name in the Template name field. Then you have to provide a message in the message body field.
Then you will see a button option. In the button option, you can create a Call to Action or Quick Reply button.
In this article, I will create a Quick Reply Button. Click on the Quick Reply option. Instantly, a field called Button Text will appear. Now provide a button text in the Button Text field. Now click on the Save button.
And the message template will be created and is available in the list of message templates. Now check the status of the message template by clicking on the Check Status Button. If the status of the message template is improved, you can use the message template.
In the message template, I have created a quick reply button. Therefore, now I need to create a postback.
To create a postback, click on the postback option. Instantly, the post-back settings page will appear with create button. Now click on the create button and you will be redirected to the visual flow builder editor.
Now add a Text element to the Start bot flow. On the text, element, add some text about BotSailor. Now click on the save button to save the postback.
Now come back to the Webhook Workflow. In the message template section, select the message template you have created for this webhook workflow. Now click on the create workflow button.
Instantly, a webhook callback URL will appear. Now you have to copy the webhook callback URL.