

SMS integration in our platform is the addition of SMS (Short Message Service) capability to our chatbot system. It enables our chatbots to send and receive text messages, allowing businesses to communicate with their consumers via SMS channels. This integration may be used for several applications. For example, businesses can use SMS integration to send order confirmations, appointment reminders, or promotional messages to customers. Additionally, SMS integration can also provide a more convenient and accessible communication channel for consumers who prefer text messaging over other forms of communication.

In order to integrate Shopify in BotSailor you must create a Message Template first and Integrate Webhook. You can learn more about Webhook integration in our “WhatsApp Webhook Workflow” page after that you can follow the steps below.

To integrate an SMS service provider to BotSailor, you can follow the steps below:

1. Access your Dashboard and navigate to Integrations:

  • Open your dashboard and scroll down to the "Management" section.

  • Click on "Integration" to open the integration menu.

2. Set up a new SMS profile:

  • Within the "Integration" menu, select the "SMS" category.

  • Click the "New" button next to "SMS Profile" to create a new profile.

3. Choose Twilio as your SMS service provider:

  • Since we're using Twilio in this example, click on the "Twilio" option.

4. Enter your Twilio account details:

  • A form will appear. Fill in the required information using the details from your Twilio account.

5. Save your Twilio profile:

  • Once you've entered all the details, click "Save" to finalize the setup of your Twilio profile.


Email integration on our platform allows you to link your chatbot with external email service providers (ESPs) such as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), Mailgun, Mailchimp, or Postmark. This connection allows your chatbot to send and receive emails, enabling a variety of features. Such as:

  • Send welcome emails to new subscribers.

  • Send notification emails for specific actions.

  • Send abandoned cart emails for uncompleted purchases.

  • Automated email sequences for lead nurturing.

  • Support emails for ticket submissions or customer support.

To integrate an Email service provider to BotSailor, you can follow the steps below:

For example im going to show you how to integrate Mailgun into BotSailor

1. Access the Dashboard and navigate to Integrations:

  • Open your dashboard and scroll down to the "Management" section.

  • Find and click on the option labeled "Integration."

2. Select Email and Create a New Profile:

  • Within the "Integration" menu, choose the "Email" category.

  • Click the "New" button next to "Email Profile" to set up a new email service provider.

3. Choose Mailgun as your Provider:

  • We'll use Mailgun as an example in this guide. Click on the "Mailgun" option.

4. Complete the Mailgun Profile Form:

  • Fill out the form to create your Mailgun profile. You'll find the necessary details in your Mailgun account.

5. Save your Mailgun Profile:

  • Once you've entered all the required information, click "Save" to finalize the setup.

Auto Responder

BotSailors Auto Responder integration enables your chatbots to gather emails from your users. You can use collected emails to broadcast or send any notification later, and if necessary, you can set up pre-made response email templates that your user will receive. This enables chatbots to answer requests, provide rapid support, increase efficiency, and enhance the user experience by replying with timely and appropriate information.

You can follow these steps below, to integrate the Auto Responder service provider:

1. Access the Dashboard:

  • Begin by logging in to your platform and navigating to the main control panel, often called the "Dashboard."

2. Locate Integration:

  • Scroll down the Dashboard until you find a section labeled "Management" or something similar.

  • Look for an option related to "Integration" within this section.

3. Choose Responder Category:

  • Within the "Integration" menu, find the category for "Responders" or "Responder Services." This is where you'll connect your chosen service provider.

4. Create New Profile:

  • Click the "New" button (often with a plus sign) located next to "Responder Profile" or a similar option.

  • This initiates the process of setting up a new profile for your chosen responder service.

5. Select Sendinblue (Example):

  • This guide uses Sendinblue as an example. In your specific platform, you might see a list of available responder service providers. Choose "Sendinblue" (or your desired provider) from the available options.

6. Complete Sendinblue Profile:

  • A form will appear, requiring information from your Sendinblue account.

  • Fill out this form with the necessary details, which can be found within your Sendinblue settings.

7. Save and Finalize:

  • Once you've entered all the required information

  • Click the "Save" button to finalize the setup of your Sendinblue profile (or the profile for your chosen responder service).