Doc / video / Image getting failed in WhatsApp chatbot
from last 2 days whatsapp Bot not delivering images and audios, also Video template not working. please check in urgent basis
We have checked. We found that Image, audio is working fine and delivering.
We found issue in delivering Video Template in WhatsApp. We will monitor more where is the actual issue .
We found issue in delivering Video Template in WhatsApp. We will monitor more where is the actual issue .
We found...
I didn't find any issue in audio , image, video sending. It's working fine all and delivering to WhatsApp.
Only thing that Template with video header isn't delivering, Otherwise all working fine.
Only thing that Template with video header isn't delivering, Otherwise all working fine.
We just checked again, video template is also working fine.
In you guess, I would ask you to check your WhatsApp account if there payment method added and has balance on it. If there is no payment method then, template message will not be sent. Otherwise all are working properly.
Best Regards
In you guess, I would ask you to check your WhatsApp account if there payment method added and has balance on it. If there is no payment method then, template message will not be sent. Otherwise all are working properly.
Best Regards
Doc and video alone getting failed normal message are delivered..I could see many complaining about this so its not problem with payment
It sometime working and delivering. And sometime it's not delivered, We are checking the issue and give an announcement about the issue that we are trying to find root cause for it. https://botsailor.com/forum/thread/610-update-on-video-and-document-template-issues-with-whatsapp
Good news is we have found alternative way to send video and other files which is delivering instantly and fast. We have already give an update for Live Chat for template message sending. And with in 2 days we will release this update for all broadcasting, sequence message send and also in bot reply in flow builder.
We are going to provide update soon. Read details here please https://botsailor.com/forum/thread/683-media-delivery-for-whatsapp-videos-images-and-documents-fixed
We have given update by fixing the issue with alternative upload by id property.