Subscriber Name not getting
In subscribers added 10k customers with a name ,
but when customer is messaging for first time , its taking their whatsapp name , after doing a refresh only its showing the subscriber name from our panel , that is making huge confusion and every time want to refresh the page ? every 10-15 minutes , my client is getting 10-15 minutes , that's impossible to ask them to refresh every time
please fix this as soon as possible
but when customer is messaging for first time , its taking their whatsapp name , after doing a refresh only its showing the subscriber name from our panel , that is making huge confusion and every time want to refresh the page ? every 10-15 minutes , my client is getting 10-15 minutes , that's impossible to ask them to refresh every time
please fix this as soon as possible
Could you please provide more details? Are you referring to the subscribers' names vanishing from your client's panel?
Yes i phased same
Team if we use #user-name variable in template and added contacts manually in subscriber manager. This #user-name doesnt works until customer message us. So by defaut if we use #user-name check if system able to fetch the display name if not try to use first name else provide a fallback value like customer/user
I guess name field was empty. Okay, for empty name, we will fix the variable name by replacing empty string or other values after analysis.
No we have added name also manually still its not fetching
We have fixed the name field by updating name if it's blank or has Private.