Session expiry in Input flow & Chat with human

Sky Free
Sky Free
Expire the session after some time. Team provide some option to expire the user input flow, and the chat with a human option is selected. Currently if use seleted chat with human we need to resume the bot manually, make changes to automatically restart the bot after some 5 to 10 minutes, and say a message like chatbot enabled.

Same with user input flow: if a customer doesn't answer a question after some time, the session should be closed, but currently, even after years, the input flow is active. Please fix these and provide enhancements.
We are reviewing this request, Will back soon to you by providing next update about it.

We are considering the feature to implement.

We have scheduled for adding the feature by our developer by this week.

Development has been started.

Feature has been implemented. We are now testing. And we will release it very soon.

User input reset after a specific time and chat with human reset after a specific time has been implemented.

How much time will take to reset like 1hour, 10minutes ?
Sky Free
Hi team, sesdion expiry was implemented and it working but need an enhacement once the session expired. we need to send message like ""It's been quite for a while, your session has expired"" this will help customer know that he has to restart
Sky Free
(Last updated )


Hi team, session expiry was implemented and it working but need an enhancement once the session expired. we need to send message like ""It's been quite for a while, your session has expired"" this will help customer know that he has to restart
Dishang Shah

Sky Free

yes you are right without inform how customer will understand what to do
Dishang Shah
In inputflow URL and Mob not getting validated
Rest validation work properly even session getting reseted after defined minutes but issue is already reported by @Arikrishnan user not getting notified for session reset
please fix
Dishang Shah
Chat with human Session Expiry Time (in Minute) works properly but same issue
we need to send message like ""It's been quite for a while, your session has expired"" this will help customer know that he has to restart

Sky Free

Thank you for your valuable feedback regarding the session expiry feature. We understand the importance of notifying users when their session has expired. However, after careful consideration and feedback from some of our customers, including Arikrishnan, we have decided not to implement an automatic notification message like "It's been quite for a while, your session has expired."

We believe that sending this message within WhatsApp might sometimes disturb subscribers and could negatively impact their user experience. Instead, we are focusing on enhancing other aspects of our platform to ensure smooth and efficient interactions.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support. If you have any further suggestions or concerns, please feel free to share them with us.
Sky Free
Team this will not impact user experience actually this will enhance that. I have a flow where user needs to send email and i have kept 2 min to expire but sometime they reply after 5 min then its of no use. This session expiry is used in app saas lime wati gallabox interkat aisensy. this is something common
Dishang Shah
This will improve user experience... you add kind of automated notification your session will be expire in this minutes.. like that