Difference between connections
Muhammad Rehan
Muhammad Rehan
I'm confused that what is the difference between

Connect WhatsApp Business (Recommended)
One Click Business Integration

Connect WhatsApp Business (Alternative)
Connect your WhatsApp account

Can anyone please help me to understand.
Dishang Shah

Muhammad Rehan

in 1st method your customer don't need to create an app they can easily onboard number within 5 mins (make sure you're a tech provider than only possible)

in 2nd method your every client have to signup as META developer and create an app than onboard number and will take around 30-45 mins.

so use 1st method.
if you have any query regarding 1st method (Tech provider) than Abhinandan Jhamb is a best person to help you.

Muhammad Rehan

Dm me i will help you to setup all things https://wa.link/i5gmz1