On scheduling 47K Numbers show Error 504
Dishang Shah
Hello Team,
Whenvere i schedule 10K-40K+ Campaigns i noticed broacasting flow builder shows an error 504 gateway timeout after that nothing happens and in browser my whole website not loading.
Along with this still all this broadcast msg shows in live chat and chat getting messy.
Please solve this error time out and make sure you display only chats user replied in live chat.
dont show broadcasted msg in livechat due to this getting heavy.
SS - https://prnt.sc/eDavJ7rr_XDw<br />
Whenvere i schedule 10K-40K+ Campaigns i noticed broacasting flow builder shows an error 504 gateway timeout after that nothing happens and in browser my whole website not loading.
Along with this still all this broadcast msg shows in live chat and chat getting messy.
Please solve this error time out and make sure you display only chats user replied in live chat.
dont show broadcasted msg in livechat due to this getting heavy.
SS - https://prnt.sc/eDavJ7rr_XDw<br />
Okay, Thanks for informing us the issue of 504 gateway error during creating broadcast. We will solve it.
However the broadcast message doesn't push on the live chat unless the user reply. But if you give refresh then latest conversation which include both user and your bot come first. We will think about it in future if it's doesn't need to display on first for only bot reply or broadcast in future.
However the broadcast message doesn't push on the live chat unless the user reply. But if you give refresh then latest conversation which include both user and your bot come first. We will think about it in future if it's doesn't need to display on first for only bot reply or broadcast in future.
The issue has been resolved!
It has been resolved.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your patience.
Hello now i will check and revert.
it requires client budget to send 10K+ msgs so allow me sometime once client do campaign will tell you.
it requires client budget to send 10K+ msgs so allow me sometime once client do campaign will tell you.