Whatsapp flows Not Working (JSON is Invalid)
Dishang Shah
hello team,
I am unable to publish or preview Flows form.
If i preview or try to publish Flow shows this error. i checked on different waba ac both have same error means this is issue from BS side.
Link to error image - https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/tickets/31600/flows.png
I am unable to publish or preview Flows form.
If i preview or try to publish Flow shows this error. i checked on different waba ac both have same error means this is issue from BS side.
Link to error image - https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/tickets/31600/flows.png
I found a bug or limitation as below
in Screen Unique Name if i add numeric it throws an error. only text works properly.
so please mention in hint use only text.
in Screen Unique Name if i add numeric it throws an error. only text works properly.
so please mention in hint use only text.
Sorry For late response. The problem is fixed but, but due to some reason our team did not provide the update. The whatsapp change their documentation thats why you get this error. Please use only text on screenID it will work.
Yes i see,