Webhook formater saved and mulitple use

Andy Gracia Lee
Andy Gracia Lee
hi team just asking for request here

1. when creating workflow we can create formatter, but unfortuneately this formatter can be used on single workflow
can you make this formatter can be saved and can be used on another workflow.

i hate to write or create formater again and again.
sometimes i forgot the action what to used for
what is trim left, concat right, etc (most user will forgot this is for doing what to do??)

2. or maybe you can make this saved as template formatter

3.is the label subscriber fixed?

4.can we saved the variable that are catched from webhook to database
example this is for retargeting message as reminder
let said for another day passed 24hour windows mesaging
so we can send same message as first notification (ex:woo coomerce purchase notification)

Formatter can't be save because formatt depends on json variable.

You can simply set label & sequence messaging campaign during webhook workflow campaign setup. There is option for that already.

Andy Gracia Lee
Sequence message can not fetched data from Workflow

Andy Gracia Lee

Would you please describe it in more details ? What's not taking data ? Where is the actual issue you are facing ?

Andy Gracia Lee
I set up integration with wooccomerce
After check out my buyer get notification

Then i want to set up a follow up message using same as the first message (using same message template)

So if after 24h my buyer does not transfer or finishing payment they will have reminder message same as the first message

Like what they purchased, total price and how to pay, etc..

I hope you understand this.

My question
Can we set up like that or maybe for reminder message we are using another message template.
Andy Gracia Lee
So that is why i asking can botsailor catch and saved the variable from webhook data.

So we can used for another message