Subscriber Manager Custom Fields in Table
Danial durai
Hello team , In subscriber Manager currently you had given a 4 columns -> Phone Number , Subscriber ID , Name , Updated at -> But in this most of the case Subscriber Id and Updated at are not used by any of the customer , instead if possible to show the custom field values which is created it would be best , as i have a custom field called "next follow up date" if you provide that i can easily get the upcoming followups and manage it from subscriber manager
kindly provide this feature
kindly provide this feature
Thanks for your suggestion. However a subscriber may have many custom field, In this case displaying all custom field value in data table will looks like a mess.
as you can give a option in custom field like display in table -> like that right , so if i enable that it will show , like that previlage you can give to user right , if anyone want's to see any custom values we can use this right , it would be really helpful if you implement this option
Danial durai
thank you, eagerly waiting to get this feature