WEbHooks / API's for Connections with third party systems
Nganyu Emmanuel
Hi, ChatBots have more value when they can connect to other software. e,g in Banks, Hotels and schools, a chat bot can help check account balance, do bank transfers, check available rooms and prices aor even send students results. Please Webhooks could complete BotSailor to a full package cat bot system especialy as whatsapp is coming in. Please think about it. Also i believe the same internal API system already used by Botsailor to intercept whatsapp or telegram messages, can be used to send variables to external systems or collect responses from external systems. Please think about it.
Thanks for your all feature request. We really appreciate these. We want more & more feature request as we will try our level best to implement them as soon as possible by us.
Yes, We have already plan to provide API end point & in future we will also provide the option of webhook trigger.
Yes, We have already plan to provide API end point & in future we will also provide the option of webhook trigger.
how long this released?
It has been released inside Bot Manager menu named outbound webhook to send data to external webhook.