Why my whatsapp name not display on user whatsapp phone ?

Robert Yulisman
Robert Yulisman
i have change name display, ant it approved, so i register using botsailor and the status is registered, but the sertificate can not be downloaded, so in user side, the name is not displayed, only display the number of whatsapp, so how to fix this and whats is the problem ?
try to re-set pin again (only one time not more) if not work try to delete WhatsApp number then activate again.
It's hard to understand your issue without any pictures or video. I would suggest you contact our live chat agent or open a support ticket. Then our expert support agent can help you. Thank you


You know your Forum Not supporting img/video.


yes i know thats why i asked you to message us in WhatsApp. Here is the number 880 1926-521411. And we are working on adding image and video feature in forum. Soon it will be available