Subscriber Count is Differ in Livechat, Broadcasting inside 24hour windows and broadcasting Read Report

Dishang Shah
Dishang Shah
Hello team,

I have done campaign on 250 numbers and shows 103 message opened.
I have enabled Get Started Welcome message so any subscriber opne my message will get welcome message on the spot and come inside 24 Hour conversation window.

Now am going to do broadcasting on 24 Hour window number shows only 33 subscribers and in livechat i count this number shows only 23

So which one is correct???

let me know ASAP check twice and update me.
my client want to do campaing on 40K number and than inside 24hour subscriber so he will not get actual numbers.


Dishang Shah

It should count same in both place. To check the matter, please open a support ticket providing the account email and password where you are facing the problem. So we could investigate it properly.

Dishang Shah


Let me do that
Dishang Shah


Created ticket but issue is now all the numbers are outside 24hours.. so request you to crete errorlog per reseller in your backend.