Livechat Issue during Broadcast

Dishang Shah
Dishang Shah
Hello Team,

As already shared video on your whatsapp support number.

Requesting here.

Issue we are facing as if i and my team doing live chat with users and that time marketing team member doing broadcast campaign on 250 (Any) number so live chat getting disturbed and shows all the broadcast in livechat so team not able to do chat with users and have to wait for completion of broadcasting so this is really biggest bug in livechat.

On other provider i checked if i run campaign than it's shows detailed report in same tab and if user reply to braodcast message that shows only inside in live chat.
this will help us very well to manage and reduce confusion and interuption in live chat.

please consider and implement ASAP.

thank you
Hello Dishang Shah,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and for sharing the detailed explanation along with the video on our WhatsApp support number. We understand how critical it is to have a seamless live chat experience, especially when managing concurrent marketing campaigns and live interactions with users.

We acknowledge that the current situation where broadcast messages interfere with ongoing live chats is problematic. Your suggestion to separate the broadcast report and only show user replies in the live chat is a valuable insight, and we see the importance of implementing a more streamlined approach.

We are already discussing a solution with our development team to address this issue. Our goal is to ensure that live chat functionality remains uninterrupted during broadcast campaigns and that any relevant user interactions from broadcasts are efficiently managed.

We will prioritize this feature enhancement and aim to implement it as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support.

Best regards,
We have given an update by not updating the chat in live during broadcasting, it will not interrupt during live chat.

Dishang Shah


Means bug fixed ??
Can i test on 1000+ numbers to check because this will cost me META charges.
Sky Free


No still the same i tested for 6k number and broadcast is distrubing the live chat like always
Dishang Shah

Sky Free

@botsailor you says resolved... please test and check twice before inform us issue resolved.
Waiting for a resolution
As said, We have updated the system by not updating the broadcast message during the live chat. But if you have give refresh then list will be updated as expected. But live update for broadcasting has been turned off.

Dishang Shah


Let me check and revert
Dishang Shah


Hello Team,
I am really sad to say again and again you are just saying we have done this we are bringing this but you are not stick on your commitment or answer.. even again you proved 50+ times that you are saying this bug is resolved but here is the live issue of same bug and showing that you are again wrong in your answer.. you have not turned off livechat.. see in video shared over whatsapp here can't share with client branding.. but he used abusive word in recording you can listen clearly.. so humble request to test and than say resolved or not.. otherwise tell your planning what you want to do with me?
Am reporting bugs and bugs and you are making system more buggy instead of fixing it and make it stable and proving testing your owner told on FB community we will do testing before release but video proves multiple times that you failed.
Thank you