In the Whatsapp live chat user reply detected as a Voice massage though it is a text massage
Farhan Anjum
In the WhatsApp live chat when a user reply a message it is then detected as a Voice message though it is a text message.
kindly see this image- https://prnt.sc/M4rfu_dhuscI
kindly see this image- https://prnt.sc/M4rfu_dhuscI
On behalf of the User,
It also shows an audio message instead of a PDF.
please see this screenshot here at https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/8/whatsapp/livechat-90702-1722668231.png
It also shows an audio message instead of a PDF.
please see this screenshot here at https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/8/whatsapp/livechat-90702-1722668231.png