Subscription Issue: Botsailor Reseller Agency 50 Not Working

erick yuma
erick yuma
Hi. It's been 4 days since I renewed my subscription to botsailor reseller agency 50. And since then, nothing is working. Can you resolve my issue? My email is:
Would you please describe in more details what is not actually working ? Have you created any support ticket ? We were facing some internet issue through out in our country, that's why we couldn't provide support properly in this mean time. If you have created support ticket, let me know the ticket it. I will ask our team to fix your problem with priority.

(Last updated )

erick yuma


Please send us a message to our WhatsApp number: +8801926521411

Are you experiencing any issues other than the My Account page? Are features like the Bot Manager working properly? Please let us know through the ticket or through the WhatsApp.

Thank you.