Flaws in WhatsApp eCommerce Catalog
1) Download as CSV doesnt have address information.
2) The order ID shown in the successful message is different from order ID in the actual product message. Fix that.
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/7/whatsapp/livechat-53474-1721168965.png<br />
3) In order summary, it is still showing optional-text
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/upload/2024/7/livechat/53474-29675-1838926526631714.jpeg<br />
4) Address info in checkout page:
You are showing the address heading as variable modify to readable values eg in_pin_code to Pin Code :
https://youdomain.com/c/1721131491919443212533<br />
5) Edit option to add email in checkout page
Since WhatsApp doesnt support email in address API provide an add email address option in checkout page as work around
https://yourdomain.org/c/1721131491919443212533<br />
4) Order status:
If we change the order status as shipped currently, it is triggering partially shipped,
If we are changing to delivered, it is triggering as shipped, it doesn't make any sense.
Add new status Partially shipped and map that to partially shipped status
Shipped should be remapped to shipped status
Delivered & completed both should be mapped as completed
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/7/whatsapp/livechat-53474-1721169237.png<br />
5) Currently, the status messages will be triggered only if user is in 24-hour window. Modify to use tempaltes for all statuses. For example, if we get order today, we wont ship it on same day; it will take a minimum of 3 to 5 days After that, only we can change the status. but if user is out of 24 hours now, no message will be sent to him
2) The order ID shown in the successful message is different from order ID in the actual product message. Fix that.
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/7/whatsapp/livechat-53474-1721168965.png<br />
3) In order summary, it is still showing optional-text
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/upload/2024/7/livechat/53474-29675-1838926526631714.jpeg<br />
4) Address info in checkout page:
You are showing the address heading as variable modify to readable values eg in_pin_code to Pin Code :
https://youdomain.com/c/1721131491919443212533<br />
5) Edit option to add email in checkout page
Since WhatsApp doesnt support email in address API provide an add email address option in checkout page as work around
https://yourdomain.org/c/1721131491919443212533<br />
4) Order status:
If we change the order status as shipped currently, it is triggering partially shipped,
If we are changing to delivered, it is triggering as shipped, it doesn't make any sense.
Add new status Partially shipped and map that to partially shipped status
Shipped should be remapped to shipped status
Delivered & completed both should be mapped as completed
https://bot-data.s3.ap-southeast-1.wasabisys.com/livechat/2024/7/whatsapp/livechat-53474-1721169237.png<br />
5) Currently, the status messages will be triggered only if user is in 24-hour window. Modify to use tempaltes for all statuses. For example, if we get order today, we wont ship it on same day; it will take a minimum of 3 to 5 days After that, only we can change the status. but if user is out of 24 hours now, no message will be sent to him
Yes correct, like that We also want access to add or remove the form field as per customer requirements
And order status API to change the status from woocommerce or any other platform
And order status API to change the status from woocommerce or any other platform
Thanks for your suggestion. We will surely review and try to implement it in our BotSailor.