Open / Resolved Chat Option in Live chat

(Last updated )
Hi team ,

Kindly create a Option like archived / unarchived -> Open / Resolved option , once customer initiated a chat it will be come in Open chat , as their conversation ended then our agent will make as resolved, again if the customer send a message automatically it want to be become open

use case ;

as you are providing support in live chat right , once a customer asking any query or support , the ticket will be in open, once it will be marked as resolved, so we can track how many open tickets are there & work accordingly....

current archive / unarchive is good, but if i mark archive the closed chat , it will not become unarchive automatically while customer send any message ( at least provide like that )

Kindly provide this feature
Thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions.

We understand the importance of efficiently managing customer queries and support tickets. Your idea of having an "Open / Resolved" option for chats is a great one. Implementing a system where chats automatically switch to "Open" when a customer sends a new message after being marked as "Resolved" will greatly enhance our support tracking capabilities.

We are pleased to inform you that we will be working on integrating this feature soon. Our team is committed to providing the best possible tools to help you manage your customer interactions effectively.

Thank you for helping us improve our service.

Best regards,
It has been implemented and release to BotSailor server.

Sky Free
Great update. Appericiate team