Database error
Sky Free
When going to catalog manager showing database error, this happen after update. Botsailor making me look embarrassed in front of clients Thank you for the wonderful bug product
Please give a hard refresh or clear browser cache.
Yesterday , around 1 hr it happended for all customers, kindly give a update to us if you are going to make some changes in live website or atleast do it on night time , in day time if you do like this affecting our clients and us , last time you mentioned , will be update resellers before doing update but still its happening , 1 hr in the sense it will cause more issues for our customers
Again and again i am Saying one thing only , We all are selling this softwares to Business Peoples , which they are providing marketing , sales , support via our software , if we make like this means it will affect their Business , Who we are to Affect their Business , Be Conscious and Don't Play with Customer Business
Again and again i am Saying one thing only , We all are selling this softwares to Business Peoples , which they are providing marketing , sales , support via our software , if we make like this means it will affect their Business , Who we are to Affect their Business , Be Conscious and Don't Play with Customer Business