Whatsapp business account id duplicate issue.
Sky Free
Another issue : My customer has already connected his business account id to some other reseller now want to migrate. He created account with different email as same email cannot be used ( Useless design flaw in botsailor) . Now not able to add account saying his business account is already connected. He dint know with which reseller he created and connected his account. Email and whatsapp business account id should be seperate for each reseller. A customer has freedom to migrate from one reseller to other reseller with deleting anything from his end. A good saas has to handle everything.
I have been saying that account should be seperated for resellers but you will never consider. Try to learn what is saas and create something. I have reached my saturation limit. High time to change from bs.
You have also increased the price drastically.
I have been saying that account should be seperated for resellers but you will never consider. Try to learn what is saas and create something. I have reached my saturation limit. High time to change from bs.
You have also increased the price drastically.
We will consider to do some work around for migrating account from one reseller to another reseller as soon as possible. We are discussing about it with our team and after finalizing the plan, our developer team will implement it.