Mobile Verification on Signup

Dishang Shah
Dishang Shah
Hello team,
You released this feature some in last month and was not worked properly so i think you removed but request you to bring mobile verification feature back ASAP because getting fake registrations.
why we entertain such fake users?? this will help you and us to prevent from time pass customer.
thank you
Dishang Shah
Team one week over please reply on this we need to verify user because too many fake registration going on.. this increases your server load and getting harder for us to find real user.
please impliment ASAP because this was available but due to some bug we reported you removed in whitelable and still in BS portal this option availbale.
so please consider and impliment.
thank you
they stopped it because they had an issue with OTP. OTP will take around 1-2 min to receive.
Dishang Shah


Yes but they have to work prior on this now a days getting many fake registration via temp-mail.
Dishang Shah

Dishang Shah

Any Update on this @botsailor
Dishang Shah
As per META policy if you choose proper category for template and acccordingly send message getting deliver on the spot.
Like OTP, Order Details, Order Summary etc. getting deliver on the spot
(Last updated )

Dishang Shah
