Whatsapp Subscriber list download Improvement
Dishang Shah
hello team,
Subscriber download list is limited to 500 numbers only
one of my customer have 50K+ contacts and he want to do marketing on all but as you are aware we have to follow META Per day marketing message tier limit so as per this
1st i uploaded 250 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
2nd i uploaded 250 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
3rd i uploaded 1000 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
4th i uploaded 1000 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
Now my client per day message get increased to 10K/day and he generated new file from his softaware to upload 10K numbers
Now issue is he asked to download all the Subscribers into excel so i have downloaded 5 times (500 contacts) excel than merged into single.
So instead of this whenver user click download subscribers all contacts get downloaded into single excel... so our clicks will be saved many manual work will be elemented because everytime have to goto click 500 pagination than click select all toogle than download than click 2nd page and follow same.
so you understand my genuine concern,
thank you
Subscriber download list is limited to 500 numbers only
one of my customer have 50K+ contacts and he want to do marketing on all but as you are aware we have to follow META Per day marketing message tier limit so as per this
1st i uploaded 250 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
2nd i uploaded 250 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
3rd i uploaded 1000 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
4th i uploaded 1000 numbers and assinged lable and done marketing
Now my client per day message get increased to 10K/day and he generated new file from his softaware to upload 10K numbers
Now issue is he asked to download all the Subscribers into excel so i have downloaded 5 times (500 contacts) excel than merged into single.
So instead of this whenver user click download subscribers all contacts get downloaded into single excel... so our clicks will be saved many manual work will be elemented because everytime have to goto click 500 pagination than click select all toogle than download than click 2nd page and follow same.
so you understand my genuine concern,
thank you
Yes please add these option we want to download all subscribers
Yes, this is required. This is genuine concern.
yes add this option, already i informed morethen 10 times , kindly provide please
Okay, Thanks for your suggestions and clarification about the issue. We are considering it to implement as soon as possible.
Thanks let me know once done
We have assigned to our developer to update the system . They are already started working on it.
We have successfully implemented and published this. If you have any questions, please let us know
Team please include label also as a column
check and fix on the spot
Dishang Shah
Dishang Shah
Team - After download phone number not showing now also provide Label Names & Email column in download list.
Already Fixed this issue and added the label name ,email and subscribe status . Please check. If its ok or not
Yes its working thank you
Really awesome fix.. working properly.
now i can say BS improving day by day will become pioneer
now i can say BS improving day by day will become pioneer