Increase Message Delivery Speed triggered via API and Webhook
Dishang Shah
Hello team,
Thanks for such a good platform.
i have noticed many of my clients complaining about message delivery speed in past post on FB community you told we have increased to 4X but still is very slow or maybe not increased.
Just imagine we are in a very fast digital world where in a minute META deliver thousands message in single click.. any news getting viral within minutes.
And on our botsailor platform if i send message using API it's getting delivered in next 1-2 Minutes that not good for anyone because everyone is on whatsapp and Important notification get delivered after minutes that not accepted by any client.
Even if i send notification using webhook it's getting delivered in 1-4 minutes so this is not accepted client because many of such user reported that unofficial whatsapp and other official api delivers message instantly.. so my huble request to work first on this and deliver message instantly without wait of triggreing cron job.
Just understand real-world scenario i have implemented this API in my website with OTP verification. my user come and singup on my site than he wait for 1-1.30 minutes to receive OTP and cruisal part is client will not wait for this and will resend OTP again and again and get frusted than will leave my site.
Second scenario is i asked my client on my shop after purchase pls check your invoice and give us feedback now he have to wait 1-3 minutes to received invoice and provide feedback this is not acceptable by anyone.
so first work on this and make it instant deliver.
thank you
Thanks for such a good platform.
i have noticed many of my clients complaining about message delivery speed in past post on FB community you told we have increased to 4X but still is very slow or maybe not increased.
Just imagine we are in a very fast digital world where in a minute META deliver thousands message in single click.. any news getting viral within minutes.
And on our botsailor platform if i send message using API it's getting delivered in next 1-2 Minutes that not good for anyone because everyone is on whatsapp and Important notification get delivered after minutes that not accepted by any client.
Even if i send notification using webhook it's getting delivered in 1-4 minutes so this is not accepted client because many of such user reported that unofficial whatsapp and other official api delivers message instantly.. so my huble request to work first on this and deliver message instantly without wait of triggreing cron job.
Just understand real-world scenario i have implemented this API in my website with OTP verification. my user come and singup on my site than he wait for 1-1.30 minutes to receive OTP and cruisal part is client will not wait for this and will resend OTP again and again and get frusted than will leave my site.
Second scenario is i asked my client on my shop after purchase pls check your invoice and give us feedback now he have to wait 1-3 minutes to received invoice and provide feedback this is not acceptable by anyone.
so first work on this and make it instant deliver.
thank you
Hello, We have already changed the message sending feature for webhook workflow completely. Now it's send instantly instead of cron job. We have removed cron job for it and send message instantly after getting the webhook call. But sometime WhatsApp take some time to deliver template message to subscribers' WhatsApp where we have no control.
But from our end, there is no more delay right now to send message.
But from our end, there is no more delay right now to send message.
Okay let me check for webhook and what about API call ?
Dishang Shah
even webhook taking time to deliver with only name variable.
so not resolved Webhook and API still taking 1-2 minute on variable message and you understand every message now a day is personalized.
OTP always dynamic so please make it possible and no issue from META side because if we trigger message using direct META API than getting deliver instantly.
Definitely, API and Webhook call is delivery required within Max. 30 sec. Everyone required everything is fast and dynamic, if we are providing slow solution in any point, then customer will think about our service.
Kindly check all possibilities for this improvements.
Kindly check all possibilities for this improvements.
Actually as said, we send message instantly. We don't delay to send.
But matter is about Template Message. I means for webhook workflow they are template message not 24 hours normal text message. And WhatsApp take some time to deliver marketing or utility template message. As said, for webhook workflow we don't use cron job anymore, instead we send it instantly.
But matter is about Template Message. I means for webhook workflow they are template message not 24 hours normal text message. And WhatsApp take some time to deliver marketing or utility template message. As said, for webhook workflow we don't use cron job anymore, instead we send it instantly.
checkout the other softwares in market like AIsensy , gallabox and all they are able to deliver templates messages instantly , even codecanyon scripts like whatsbox and perfex crm whatsapp addon module able to provide instant message , actually in botsailor itself out of 10 messages 3-4 sending instantly , balance only taking time
thank you
Dishang Shah
I found that sometime WhatsApp take around 30 seconds to deliver marketing message that contains link or variables. It's randomly happen by WhatsApp. And I have tested from our Live Chat where it's 100% instant. So in this case we have nothing to do.
Also there may sometime delay from the webhook come from third-party website. We found that WooCommerce most of the time take even minutes to send the webhook call. As we can say we send the webhook workflow message instant instead of cron job now. We may do some tweak to speed up some processing like inserting data or some small tweak. But the fact is it's not using cron job now.
Also there may sometime delay from the webhook come from third-party website. We found that WooCommerce most of the time take even minutes to send the webhook call. As we can say we send the webhook workflow message instant instead of cron job now. We may do some tweak to speed up some processing like inserting data or some small tweak. But the fact is it's not using cron job now.
Dishang Shah
May be they are not understand about this things which compared to other systems. Yes you are saying right, all other systems are provided quick messaging in API and Webhook.
Also for BS Team, if we could not able to do this quick messaging, then will difficult at the time of OTP Authentication Message. In OTP process, required very fast and witin some seconds getting msg. Otherwise, end user is confused and missed that processs and hampring on that business solution.
Kindly request, I am suggesting, if you have any other systems login or demo video, please provide BS team.
So they will understand where is the gap.
Yashodhan Natekar
May be they are not understand about this things which compared to other...