Feature Request as per my Opinion
Dishang Shah
1. Hello team, as i checked whole documentation and found many doc pages have images of Facebook manager screen profile name not blurred even app name or page shows chatbotzzz and the white. just this link sharing https://mysite.com/docs/whatsapp/whatsapp-catalogue so request to check twice and upload blurred images so user at least not get an idea we are selling another companies product or anything. so request to replace them.
2. If reseller don't want to use default landing page than request you to provide Embeded code for price list so we can use on any site to showcase Price list and it's get updated automatically.
3. provide add-on to buy subscribers or can you remove limit of subscribers in Flexi-plan?
4. You have provided awesome white label documentation so request to thought on whitelabel blogs.
5. Option to send bulk email notification regarding upcoming maintenance or update to subscribers from panel.
6. Notify user if trial or plan going to expire.
7. At least 2 currency support.. one as our country default currency and other global $ currency so we can design 2 currency plans.
8. Provide some custom fields inside pricing option so at least we can write This plan includes Email support, Call Support or Including Bot design or whatever.
9. WhatsApp payment in catalog
10. Livechat integration in panel for tawk.to or Add an option of google tag manager so we can embed live chat
11. Remove Botsailor wording in https://botsailor.com/settings > script
12. Provide a user level AI Integration key option
13. At least provide 5-10 themes because you have thoudsand of reseller's all don't get 100% similar dashboard even allow us to change color option
14. Template creation API so we can integrate with any software and user dont have to come everytime on our panel simply can apply from our software.
15. Template ID inside template section
16. API to send single message to multiple numbers like Mob1,mob2,mob3
17. Implement Most demanded feature Embedded signup so as reseller we become META tech provider because in pre-requist they asking for Embedded signup
18. Allow us to add option to enter the days to auto delete subscribers who have not renewed or in trial account and make sure it's deleted from your central database also.
19. As reseller i bought basic plan if i am sleeping and suddenly due to advertise i got signup 50 accounts and then 51 number user will be able to register or not? in this case i request you at least implement Low Balance notification like if i hit 90% of my account limit get notified same apply for subscribers and message credit limit.
20. Provide option to add Pre-Defined Templates so our user can use default templates or you allow us to import-export templates.
21. provide an option to Export Broadcasting reports in excel so user can analyse.
22. Notify reseller at least 12-24 Hours before provide an update and make sure you check twice after update everything works correctly or not.
23. Implement live chat supoort in shift to provide us support because all your resellers in different timezone and your office closed on friday, in my country sunday holiday somewhere monday so at least your reseller can get quick answer for queries if you provide 24*7 support or 18*7 support.
24. implement OTP authentication mobile number from reseller's whatsapp account or do it optional but getting too many fake account via email signup.
25. Add more fields inside company details so we can add our Company registration number or etc. because we are TAX registered company and can't accept payment without tax but there is no option to apply tax and issue invoice with our tax details.
26. Add an option to export subscribers with Assigned team member name also can be visible inside individual subscriber because you have implemented bot option to assign chat but this is not helpful if we can't export subscriber list team memberwise because collected data have to assign to respective team member.
Thanks a lot for awesome SAAS platform, above option i observed so thought to share with you so platform become more feature-packed.
Let see what you can do and decide my which suggestion are useful for all resellers and platform or not.
Thanks again
2. If reseller don't want to use default landing page than request you to provide Embeded code for price list so we can use on any site to showcase Price list and it's get updated automatically.
3. provide add-on to buy subscribers or can you remove limit of subscribers in Flexi-plan?
4. You have provided awesome white label documentation so request to thought on whitelabel blogs.
5. Option to send bulk email notification regarding upcoming maintenance or update to subscribers from panel.
6. Notify user if trial or plan going to expire.
7. At least 2 currency support.. one as our country default currency and other global $ currency so we can design 2 currency plans.
8. Provide some custom fields inside pricing option so at least we can write This plan includes Email support, Call Support or Including Bot design or whatever.
9. WhatsApp payment in catalog
10. Livechat integration in panel for tawk.to or Add an option of google tag manager so we can embed live chat
11. Remove Botsailor wording in https://botsailor.com/settings > script
12. Provide a user level AI Integration key option
13. At least provide 5-10 themes because you have thoudsand of reseller's all don't get 100% similar dashboard even allow us to change color option
14. Template creation API so we can integrate with any software and user dont have to come everytime on our panel simply can apply from our software.
15. Template ID inside template section
16. API to send single message to multiple numbers like Mob1,mob2,mob3
17. Implement Most demanded feature Embedded signup so as reseller we become META tech provider because in pre-requist they asking for Embedded signup
18. Allow us to add option to enter the days to auto delete subscribers who have not renewed or in trial account and make sure it's deleted from your central database also.
19. As reseller i bought basic plan if i am sleeping and suddenly due to advertise i got signup 50 accounts and then 51 number user will be able to register or not? in this case i request you at least implement Low Balance notification like if i hit 90% of my account limit get notified same apply for subscribers and message credit limit.
20. Provide option to add Pre-Defined Templates so our user can use default templates or you allow us to import-export templates.
21. provide an option to Export Broadcasting reports in excel so user can analyse.
22. Notify reseller at least 12-24 Hours before provide an update and make sure you check twice after update everything works correctly or not.
23. Implement live chat supoort in shift to provide us support because all your resellers in different timezone and your office closed on friday, in my country sunday holiday somewhere monday so at least your reseller can get quick answer for queries if you provide 24*7 support or 18*7 support.
24. implement OTP authentication mobile number from reseller's whatsapp account or do it optional but getting too many fake account via email signup.
25. Add more fields inside company details so we can add our Company registration number or etc. because we are TAX registered company and can't accept payment without tax but there is no option to apply tax and issue invoice with our tax details.
26. Add an option to export subscribers with Assigned team member name also can be visible inside individual subscriber because you have implemented bot option to assign chat but this is not helpful if we can't export subscriber list team memberwise because collected data have to assign to respective team member.
Thanks a lot for awesome SAAS platform, above option i observed so thought to share with you so platform become more feature-packed.
Let see what you can do and decide my which suggestion are useful for all resellers and platform or not.
Thanks again
Dishang Shah
Please allow us reseller to login into user account by impersonate login this will help us lot to create bot in behalf of client if we have not connected any whatsapp number in our reseller panel.
Also let me know which suggestions you are going to implement.