3 important small developments

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I dont even consider these new features but small adjustments

- conditional for labels: at the conditional element we can apply rules for user and system fields, but most of the times, the really important conditional rule is for LABELs.

- text elements (maybe also audio, video, etc... old generic template) should accept 2 parents (I mean I must be allowed to merge 2 branches of the flow to one, connecting both to same element). Very usefull feature, many times we apply a conditional rule just to ask some information (for example: check if user has "city", ask city, after continue both branches using the same flow), and after that we need to merge the 2 branches of the flow together again. Currently only solution is the very demading task of creating too many new flows to make the 2 branches merge together, and we also need a buttom for that. It will be a lot easier just to merge the 2 branches of a flow into a single text element (2 parents for a text element).

- Sequence restriction to deliver a message based on labels. When we set a sequence, we add the labels that will get it (or not get, its up to you) the messages. For example, if a label is removed from a subscriber, the message is not sent to him when it trigger moment arrives.