chat bot new feature
Enam Butt
dear team,
we want our product verification chat bot
if user send a specfict text/code to a whasapp number or chatbox as like
Code A12343434
so chatbot will verify this code number with in sql server database via api or etc method availbale by you.
and reply to user that product code is verified and exist in our database and product is genuine .
and also inform to user this code already searched in following date time.and chat bot aslo ask to user he can view our videos./image of related search product code so if user click yes so chat bot send videos/image to user in reply,
and if product code not matched so inform to user your product code might wrong or you have purchased fake product.
if the features possible with bot sailer chat bot or we can developed a separte personal chatbot according our sepecifc needs so guide us how to start.
we want our product verification chat bot
if user send a specfict text/code to a whasapp number or chatbox as like
Code A12343434
so chatbot will verify this code number with in sql server database via api or etc method availbale by you.
and reply to user that product code is verified and exist in our database and product is genuine .
and also inform to user this code already searched in following date time.and chat bot aslo ask to user he can view our videos./image of related search product code so if user click yes so chat bot send videos/image to user in reply,
and if product code not matched so inform to user your product code might wrong or you have purchased fake product.
if the features possible with bot sailer chat bot or we can developed a separte personal chatbot according our sepecifc needs so guide us how to start.
its custom feature
if you want to be like this the you need 3rd party app
my case i integrating sheet
if you want to be like this the you need 3rd party app
my case i integrating sheet