Panel Improvements

Dishang Shah
Dishang Shah
Hello team,
Request to Improve options as below.

1. in Message Template Settings > show Colum as Template category like marketing, utility or OTP because everytime we have to open message and see what was this msg.
2. During Template creation and broadcasting show preview message how it will look.
3. During broadcast if click on save and i close browser tab it asking to leave if i save 2 times and close tab than not asking so fix bug in 1 time save it save properly (i reported 11+ months ago)
4. In livechat display dynamic value sent with template because this is very confusing and already some of reseller reported this many months ago.
5. In send message rest api include contact create and update api so we don't have to hit multiple API's because software developer says this taking time to development for integration and he have to first validate contacts than send message looks lengthy and unprofessional so please improve it.
6. WhatsApp API : Trigger Bot Flow shows response {"status":"1","message":"Something went wrong when trigger the bot flow"} even bot getting delivered successfully.
7. Mobile validation on signup with OTP
8. In Connect whatsapp > Profile setting > Allow us to update Profile Picture because only for this we have to login to META.
Dishang Shah
Please reply
Dishang Shah
Any update?
Dishang Shah
Kamrul Hasan

Dishang Shah

We truly appreciate your suggestions. We've taken note of them and will gradually implement them into BotSailor.

Thank you!
Dishang Shah

Kamrul Hasan

Request to do on High priority.