How to calculate variables?
I want to subtract two numbers which I asked from user and stored it in the variable
To subtract two numbers in a hypothetical programming context where you've stored the numbers in a variable named `Botsailor`, you would typically proceed with basic arithmetic operations. Here's a generic example in Python:

# Assuming you have stored the numbers in variables named Botsailor
num1 = Botsailor['num1']
num2 = Botsailor['num2']

# Perform subtraction
result = num1 - num2

# Print the result
print("The result of subtracting", num2, "from", num1, "is:", result)

Replace `Botsailor['num1']` and `Botsailor['num2']` with the actual variables or dictionary keys where you've stored your numbers. This script will subtract `num2` from `num1` and print the result. Visit