Overall WhatsApp system
Yashodhan Natekar
Yashodhan Natekar
(Last updated )
Dear Team,

I have following observations and suggestions. If you could this implement and live you will Pioneer/Unicorn in WhatsApp API domain with comparative other big companies.

I am suggesting please take paid subscrioption of following WhatsApp API services, they direct META partners.
1. Interakt ( Jio+Haptik Company)
2. AiSensy
3. GallaBox (New Startup Company opened in last year, but now turnover in INR Crore)

1. Suppose if create template and clicked on save, then required form must be closed.
2. Support ticket could not see to user
3. Package and Role must be different options in menu.
4. I am white label partner, so my first account is under Botsailor login as root account, that is fine. But If I opened new User as Customer, and user will create whatsapp api account then will show only in that account. As per my knowledge please show and give operate for root account which is my account.
4. Without payment gateway or manual mode user will create and user will use own account as per plan.
5. Add column Role in listing.
6. As per my understanding user means customer not team member. But in my earning dashboard showing 3 User, please clarify.
7. In newly added default create templates, I clicked on that default templates and added in my listing too. Also that template's are approved too, but still I can click on button of default template.
8. I purchased BotSailor with different email id and this email Id I am using for team member. Root mail id is different. Please make unique mail id for system.
9. Could not able to delete default templates from BotSailor, but that templates can delete from WhatsApp Manager. If I deleted default template from whatsapp manager then performed delete, but that time still showing in Bot Sailor.

Till now I checked WhatsApp API. If any found or suggestions I will send you later.

Yashodhan Natekar
Founder and Director
Applex Group, India.
Most of the features have been implemented as we continue to be active on the forum regularly. Since this thread has a long list of requests, we would appreciate it if you could create a separate thread for each new feature request.