Custom pages Link
(Last updated )

Please provide option to change the login, register and reset page link as like pricing page.
I have a seperate dashboard for my client to subscribe for payments with other options so please modify reseller portal to have this and also I'm getting lot of bot registration with regular botsailor login page so it would be great if we have our own registration and reset page
Dishang Shah


Correct i dont understand why BS team implemented and removed WhatsApp OTP due to this i am also getting lots of junk registration.
it increasing BS server load and consuming higher resource and BS increasing our reseller pricing to manage this but instead of this simply BS team have to implement OTP verification so all problems will be resolved and we can work without worry.

Hope they understand and do prior development,


We will provide these option and considering for future update.

Best Regards
Thiago Rodrigues


This is very important and makes it easier for resellers to bill with our own payment gateway and monitor subscribers.