Failed Broadcast Reason not shows
Dishang Shah
Hello team,
i sent broadcast and failed message reason not shows in response column - so please show exact reason why message was undelivered like this SS - (whatsjet basic script having this feature and we are advance compare to other still don't have this basic feature why?)
also i resend campaign so again same campaign was get in pending and shows same report as past so how i found from resend campaign how many message was actually deliver?
i sent broadcast and failed message reason not shows in response column - so please show exact reason why message was undelivered like this SS - (whatsjet basic script having this feature and we are advance compare to other still don't have this basic feature why?)
also i resend campaign so again same campaign was get in pending and shows same report as past so how i found from resend campaign how many message was actually deliver?
Any update on this?
There should be reason when you hover moue on failed time date . Please check by hovering mouse on failed time.
for every subscriber not possible to open live chat and hover on msg and check status instead of this add this status into broadcast response column so we can see in list or export to excel?
and yes why you have given response column if there is no reason appear?
and yes why you have given response column if there is no reason appear?
Okay, we will consider this and will add the error report to the broadcasting report.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We have updated it. Please check now.
Really appreciated.