API Variables Not Visible in Live Chat
while sending with external softwares , to monitor the logs and to maintain the high quality instead of using webhook , we are using api's only , but while sending a messages through api , in our live chat its not possible to see what is the variable value sent , after few day's later we will not remember what is the value put in api and its not valid one to check external software's api log everytime

so kindly give a update for api and show what is the value sent ( same like webhook ) , it would be easy to integrate with several softwares
Dishang Shah


Correct many user reported
Thanks for your suggestion, Yes you are right. We don't display the variable value in the live chat. However I am taking your suggestion in our consideration. We will modify it very soon.

thank you
Any update on this
Kamrul Hasan
We haven't implemented yet. It's on our list; once done, we will update.

Thank you