Text of Button and Header of Interactive List

Guillermo Pino
Guillermo Pino
(Last updated )
I see that the Inteactive List into "User Input Flow" >> "New Question" >> "Multiple choice" always shows "Choose Option" in the Button and the Header of the list, I checked that this value could be configurated (in the BUTTON_TEXT placeholder): https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/messages/interactive-list-messages/

Please, add this configuration in BotSailor because no all people know English language.
Thanks for your suggestion about make the button text configurable. I will check the matter and in future update we will do it.

Guillermo Pino


Thank you for fou attention, I hope it could be as soon as possible.
We have assigned our developer to implement it. With in 2 days we will release the update.

Guillermo Pino


Excelent, it is a good news!
Guillermo Pino


Hello, any news with production release?