erro 403

Hello everyone

I'm testing botsailor nowadays. I have created and attached my account a few week ago, but created and want to implement bot now.

The issue I'm facing is... when I select image or file while creating bot, it's showing an error.
The error is, "The token has expired on Wednesday, 28-Aug-24 05:25:49 PDT. The current time is Monday, 30-Sep-24 02:26:06 PDT."

I can't understand this.

Then I created bot without any file or image and started testing it, but it's not working.

Can anyone guide me why I'm facing these issue?

Md Rasel


Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your issue. Maybe your token has expired. To assist you more effectively & understand the problem in detail, we kindly request that you provide a screenshot. So, please contact on LIVE Chat and send the screenshot over there. One of our support teams will give you the solution.

If you have any questions or face difficulty taking the screenshot, feel free to let us know through Live Chat.