Youtuble Video Link Thumbnail Preview
Hi Team, I see, when I attach youtube video url, their preview is not display to the client side.
If thumbnail preview will be display then it will be beneficial feature for service provider as well as client side. We do not required to upload 15mb video and save cloud storage, just YT link good enough and customer will save their time instead of downloading a video. Whatsapp by default offer a inbuilt preview to watch youtube video, so it is super quick for a person to watch it instead of downloading any video.
I hope you got the idea, what I m trying to explain.
Reference Images
1. Send without botsailor platform - https://postimg.cc/ftYH8q1H
2. Send with botsailor platform - https://postimg.cc/LqgR8RZn
Thank you
If thumbnail preview will be display then it will be beneficial feature for service provider as well as client side. We do not required to upload 15mb video and save cloud storage, just YT link good enough and customer will save their time instead of downloading a video. Whatsapp by default offer a inbuilt preview to watch youtube video, so it is super quick for a person to watch it instead of downloading any video.
I hope you got the idea, what I m trying to explain.
Reference Images
1. Send without botsailor platform - https://postimg.cc/ftYH8q1H
2. Send with botsailor platform - https://postimg.cc/LqgR8RZn
Thank you
Did you check it sir??